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Forart.Ai brings forth new idea: the Co-creation NFT | by ForartSwap

CO-NFT, the Co-creation NFT

Forart is the first NFT social platform to provide AI technology-driven NFT SaaS services. It integrates NFT artwork creation and social networks for one-click services for NFT creation, publishing, and sharing. Forart provides a direct co-creation space for NFT artists and enthusiasts so that artistic inspiration and market demand can be consistent on the Forart platform.

Forart enables the NFT artists to design NFT artwork traits of various themes in Forart’s CO-NFT Pools. Users can choose their favorite NFT traits to create unique artwork. When the quantity of the artwork created reaches the maximum limit set by the artist, Forart will launch the sale and listing of the NFT collection on multiple marketplaces. After the Forart social platform goes alive, the CO-NFT collections will launch on the Forart social platform, as well. The revenue and royalties of CO-NFT sales will be distributed to artists, creators, and the Forart platform at certain rates accordingly.

The creation and transaction of CO-NFT will post on the social platform of Forart. The higher the activity of NFT artists and creators, the higher the popularity of the NFTs they co-create, and the higher the NFT mining APY they can enjoy. Meanwhile, fans who ‘like’ it will get $FTA token mining revenue together.

Forart is committed to providing an AI-driven DIY NFT social platform, which unites NFT artists, NFT enthusiasts, and platform users, and uses the SaaS provided by Forart to create NFT that everyone likes.

The first Co-creation NFT collection( CO-NFT ) HypeTeen

The CO-NFT program will launch on 22nd Feb 2022 UTC+8. The first collection, HypeTeen, will be enable for Avalanche Hackathon voters and Forart Discord server roles. The NFT artwork creation will be free, but taking your valuable ideas. When we build 2,000 NFTs, it will launch on multiple marketplace, (like Magic Eden, Solsea, Solanart and others). As the creator, you will enjoy the 10% of mint income and royalties.

How to create the HypeTeen artwork?

👉Vote for Forart in Avalanche Hackathon@Asia

👉Fill the form to apply the $FTA incentives and CO-NFT perks

👉Join Forart Community


👉Want more CO-NFT creation accesses? Invite people to join Community and vote for Forart.


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