On the 22nd May 2022, SnakeDAO just launch the Galaxy Monitoring Bot on Telegram, which allow the SnakeDAO NFTs holder, Cobra Snake NFT and Book of Snake NFT, to use Galaxy Monitoring Bot for tracking their journey on the Project Galaxy.
Cobra Snake NFT
- Eligible campaign notification for every 3 hours.
- New Campaign update for every 15 minutes.
- Limited Supply campaign notification.
- Gleam task notification (For every campaign with Gleam task) at 18.00 (+7 GMT)
- Turn off uninterested campaign notification.
Book of Snake NFT
- Eligible campaign notification for every 3 hours.
- New Campaign update for every 15 minutes.
- Gleam task notification (For every campaign with Gleam task) at 18.00 (+7 GMT)
Add the Galaxy Monitoring bot
- Add the Galaxy Monitoring Bot: https://t.me/GalaxyMonitoring_bot
- Type [/start] to enable the Galaxy Monitoring Bot.
- Type /w [Your wallet address]. (Example: /w 0x……………..).
- Wait for the bot processing, the you will get the eligible campaign notification.
Enable / Disable new campaign
This function are allow the user to choose that they want to receive notification about new campaign or not.
- Click the menu button.
- Click Enable New Campaign if you want to get notification
- Click Disable New Campaign if you do not want to get notification.
Gleam Alert
This function is the notification that will notify about the all of campaign, which has gleam task on their credential. This notification will notify all user at 18.00 (+7 GTM).