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Hero NFT Future Utilities. Community Work NFTs issued by Trace… | by Trace Network Labs

Community Work NFTs issued by Trace will provide multiple benefits to its owners in the Future

We have been issuing Hero NFTs to our community warriors who have been working to create a buzz around our brand, products and announcements. This is being done as a measure for engaging people and bringing them closer to the Metaverse one step at a time.

Read: Trace Heroes Campaign

While conceptualizing these Hero NFTs for our Heroes community engagement program, we started designing a plan around what could possibly be the future utilities of these NFTs. We aligned these utilities to our upcoming product & services roadmap that will be shared with all of you shortly.

What are Hero NFTs

Hero NFTs are special Work NFTs that are specially minted by Trace on Polygon Network and issued to those who are participating in the Trace Hero campaign. The work-NFTs are distributed weekly based on the activities submitted by the community. The more the community collects, the more is the future benefit that will be derived.

Here is the Hero NFT Contract on Polygon:

Future utilities for Hero NFTs

Some of the possible use cases / utilities that will be implemented for Hero NFTs in the near future:


  • Metaverses Event / Show Tickets — Hero NFT holders can redeem their NFTs for future events / show tickets organized in Trace Network’s upcoming metaverse. This would mean the NFTs that they redeem will be burned, but the user gets to attend a special event in our own metaverse.
  • Hosting events on Trace’s upcoming Metaverse — The Heroes can host their own events and activities on a new virtual world that we are about to launch on a discount or redeem using their Hero NFTs.
  • Metaverse / Real stores for Phygital NFTs — Hero NFT holders not only get whitelisted to such a sale, but also get a chance to use their Hero NFTs and redeem them on the listed wearable NFTs. Trace Hero NFT holders may get in-store discount redemption for real-world products.


  • Hero NFT holders also have the possibility of being whitelisted, in a random manner, for some of the following uses:
  • Auction / Sales of Special NFT Wearables that are minted by Trace Network or its partners from the Fashion & lifestyle businesses
  • Special Events in the Metaverse — Hero NFT holders may also get whitelisted for exclusive invites to movie events, fashion shows, conferences & more..

Weekly / Monthly Rewards

Apart from the above, we are already distributing special rewards weekly as well as monthly to those who have earned Hero NFTs.

  • Buddy Mint passes — are being given to random people every week to create their own life-like avatars that can be stored in their Web3 wallets as NFTs. This makes the avatars metaverse agnostic and can be carried to any metaverse.
  • $TRACE token rewards — We are also rewarding $1000 per month to the top 5 contributors to the Trace Hero program, for holding the highest number of Hero NFTs and with a minted Buddy avatar.
  • Mega Quarterly Rewards from a pool of $100,000 — The Hero NFTs that the community collects will eventually make them eligible for sharing the mega pool of rewards such as car, laptop etc. This will be for a select few and will be based on the number of Hero NFTs they collect. So the more you contribute, the more Hero NFTs you get, the more is the chance to win the Mega rewards. Learn more here: Trace Heroes Campaign

More such rewards are being considered in the weeks to come.

We hope that these utilities will encourage our growing community members to keep contributing in large numbers, earn more Hero NFTs and keep holding them for all the above utilities that we will keep adding to.

About Trace Network Labs

Trace Network Labs is enabling a full stack Metaverse technology for businesses & individuals to launch their own 3D experiences with all the components being powered and built natively using Blockchain including and first of it’s kind Web3 native real-looking #BUDDY avatars. You can relate with it like we are SHOPIFY of metaverses. Furthermore, using the same technology, Trace is helping Fashion & Lifestyle businesses & individuals to launch their own experience stores, events, concerts etc.

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