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How to use NFT Builder. If you made it here congrats on your… | by Le Devs

If you made it here congrats on your new journey to building an NFT collection!

P.S. Have more than one asset per layer!

  1. Upload a folder that contains all of the layers that will compose your NFT as subfolders. Each subfolder will contain the assets that belong to that layer. An example folder will be linked below.

NOTE: Make sure all the assets have unique names. For example, if you have a layer body and a layer headphones, and they both have a white variation, do not call both of them white. Name it white-body.png and white-headphones.png.

Once you have your folder properly set up drag and drop the entire folder into the box outlined in the first step as shown below.

2. If all the assets are correctly organized into their respective layers then step 2 should show all the layers with their respective assets in organized boxes.

3. Now it’s time to arrange the order of each individual layer. Remember the tool is pulling the information from the folder containing all the sub-folders, so there is a chance that the layers are out of place. Meaning the background is on top of the body etc.

Ensure all the layers are correctly aligned using the arrows to the left to move the position of the layer up or down.

Also, select different assets in each layer to make sure everything lines up properly.

4. Step 4 will allow you to add different weights to each asset. If you don’t want to customize the rarity of any assets you can skip this step.

If you do want to edit the rarity, start by entering the lower rarities for the according asset. Say you want a background to have a 1% rarity. Set that assets rarity and increase the other assets accordingly.

5. If you want to set constraints on certain assets this is where you can do so. Say you don’t want the “space.png” background from the test assets above to go with the “white.png” body, only with the zombie. Then you would create a block list for the background and include the white body.

If I am creating a block list for the background “space.png” then all the assets added to the “space.png” block list will not appear together.

Now if you want to constraint an asset to only match with one other asset from another layer, then include all the other assets you don’t want in the block list and leave the asset you want free.

To visualize how the block lists works start from the background layer or the last layer in your nft (last means the asset that is behind everything else, remember that nfts are layered up assets where layer 0 is the furthest back). Then, go asset by asset in the layer order and add to the block list the assets you dont want on top of it.

In the example below we block three bodies from going with the space background. This means that all the other bodies will appear with the space background.

We also created a constraint that only allows the white headphones to go with the purple hoodie. We do this by adding all the other headphones to the block list and excluding the white ones.

6. Almost done. In this step, we set the name of our NFT collection, the description, and the size. We highly recommend generating a lot of previews to make sure that everything looks alright.

7. At last, you can generate your NFT collection. Input your details to generate either a free version or a paid version of the collection.

The free version will be limited to 100 NFT’S and will include a watermark.

The paid version has no limit and does not include a watermark.

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