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Socialgames Leagues #nftgames. We’re excited to share this big news… | by SOCIALGAMES.COM WEB3GAMES

We’re excited to share this big news with everyone, this is one of its kind ever in an NFT game like Socialgames. This is what we’ve been building for a while now and we’re ready to unleash it to our amazing gamers of Socialgames.

By that, we are introducing to you our “Gaming Leagues.”. Everyone is welcome to participate, free for all and it will only depend on your ability, strategy and time playing to make it to the bigger leagues. Either you’re a beginner or a pro player, there’s a battlefield for all.

Wondering how you can join this league of gamers? Let’s check how it works on Socialgames:

The concept remains the same, but in Socialgames, we allow all players to participate in the leagues by creating leagues that suit every player’s skills, for both pro players and beginners. Players play games in order to rank the monthly list, and every top player on the list wins a certain prize. The ranking score is determined by User XP (Which is the User Experience point); the XP increases as you play more games and take more challenges.

Playing is free for all players, but to promote from a lower league to a higher one requires meeting certain playing conditions. Before listing the conditions, let’s take a look at how many leagues are available in our gaming league: The leagues are divided into three:

Amateur League: This is a league that’s played by beginners and occasional players. To make the ranking and result decision fair and transparent, we have this league for beginner players who can’t compete with other pro players in the game.

Pro League: This league is only between pro players, and these players are players with more XP and, more importantly, with at least one Hero NFT. This might be a borrowed NFT or purchased NFT. What differentiates this league from the Amateur league is that it is played within players with higher progress and with a Hero NFT. This means the competition will be between Hero NFT and not a Hero NFT playing against a default Hero.

Stars League: This is a unique league for only verified players with more than one Hero NFT, and these players tend to be more of a pro player, which means they’ve played several games and taken many challenges. Most of the time, they are players with the highest XP in the entire game.

Amateur League:

  • Every new player is automatically participating in this league for free.
  • This League starts every month on day 10th at 0.0am UTC and finishes the last day of the month at 23:59:59 UTC.
  • Players will be automatically promoted to the “Pro League” by reaching the Challenge 15 of the first World “Cybercity” in the “Qualifying Round” period, between the 5th day at 0.0am UTC and the 9th day at 23:59:59 UTC.

Pro League:

  • All Players of this League have taken at least 15 Challenges in Cybercity World and have 1 NFT, Borrowed Pass or own NFT.
  • Pro league starts every month on the day 10th at 0.0am UTC and finishes the last day of the month at 23:59:59 UTC.
  • Players who have met the Star League conditions will be promoted there in the “Qualifying Round” period, and only between day 5th at 0.0am UTC and day 9th at 23:59:59 UTC.
  • Players who finish in the bottom 20% of the ranking at the end of the League will be downgraded to Amateur League.

Star League

  • All Players of this League have taken at least 15 Challenges in Cybercity World.
  • Players of this League must have in their wallet a minimum of 2 active Heroes NFTs the day the League starts.
  • Players have been verified with a webcam and recognized by the community and admins as real people.
  • Star League starts every 10th day of the month at 0.0am UTC and finishes the last day of the month at 23:59:59 UTC.
  • Players who finish in the bottom 20% of the ranking at the end of the League will be downgraded to Pro League.

NOTE: All the above Terms and Conditions could change in the following months; this depends on the increased participation and Community Growth.

As we explained above, every league is played on a monthly basis and has a starting and ending day. Within that time frame, there are three (3) stages involved:

  1. Result Verification stage: This stage is the last for every monthly league, and it is done between day 1st and 4th of the next month. It is done on these days to ensure we process all the necessary logs well and anti-cheating rules in order to produce a fair result.
  2. Qualification Stage: This is between day 5th and 9th of every month; this stage is where promotions happen. This is when we promote players from lower leagues to a higher league.
  3. League Running Stage: This is the competition period, this is when all players compete in ranking their league and moving to a higher league. This stage is between day 10th to the last day of the month.

You might be wondering if prizes will be attached to all these leagues. Yes, there is a prize pool for every league.

Amateur League: The prize pool currently is between $250 to $750, and all are distributed based on these percentages:

Pro League: The prize pool currently is between $500 to $1500 and all distributed according to the Amateur league prize distribution; the only difference is an increase in the extra price distribution, which goes like this:

Star League: The prize pool currently is between $1000 to $2750 and all distributed according to the Amateur league prize distribution also; the only difference is an increase in the extra price distribution, which goes like this:

NOTE: prize pools don’t accumulate every month; new price pools are started every new month after the price pool of last month has been distributed. And the total prize pools start at $1500, and we will continue to add $10 for every 100 games played by each player, and those hundred games are between day 10th and 25th of that month. And after day 25th, the prize pool will no longer increase until a new league starts next month. The maximum prize pool is currently limited to $5000.

This is a new concept in the NFT gaming world and we’re excited you will be part of those who will explore this new web3 gaming feature. This month will be the first month of the league, we are expecting you to come onboard and play with other Socialgamers.

There are many prizes and more features to be rolled out in the coming months. Among which is the “Clubs Leagues” , this is like a football league match, where there will be 25 players maximum per club, and there will be a larger prize pool for it. Expect many exciting features like this coming soon, we can’t wait to bring them all to you.

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