Stan Lee, the Marvel comic creator behind the success of many superheroes, also created a unique superhero based in India. With diverse Indian Culture, yogic and meditation practices Stan Lee was inspired to create a superhero based on the energy chakras. In 2012 he came up with a new superhero called Chakra-The Invincible collaborating with […]
Author: hadhiraqailah
Stan Lee, the Marvel comic creator behind the success of many superheroes, also created a unique superhero based in India. With diverse Indian Culture, yogic and meditation practices Stan Lee was inspired to create a superhero based on the energy chakras. In 2012 he came up with a new superhero called Chakra-The Invincible collaborating with […]
Chakra-The Invincible is trending these days with the great NFT collection launch coming. Chakra-The Invincible is one of the best and meaningful superheroes created by the Marvel Creator Stan Lee. According to Stan Lee, he created Chakra to bring the eastern and western concepts together in a superhero story and he beautifully did that. You […]