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How to Make Money with NFT: A Comprehensive Guide | by Júlia | Medium

NFTs, or Non-Fungible Tokens, have taken the digital world by storm. These unique digital assets are creating a new avenue for creators and collectors to monetize their work. NFTs are essentially digital certificates of ownership that use blockchain technology to verify their authenticity and uniqueness. They can represent anything from artwork and music to tweets […]

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5 Applications of NFTs only long-time NFT players will know | by Bigcoin Medium NFT | Jun, 2024

NFT is a term that is becoming increasingly popular in the digital and blockchain space. Understanding NFTs is one thing, but do you understand why people buy NFTs and what users will receive when owning NFTs? Let’s find out details in the article below! NFT is a form of token, created and tradable on the […]

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What are Blue-chip NFTs? Top 5 Blue-chip NFT projects should you know | by Bigcoin Medium NFT | Jun, 2024

To grasp the concept of Blue-chip NFTs, we first need to understand what “Blue-chip” means. Blue-chip is a borrowed term from the stock market referring to assets that are valuable and highly sought after by many people. In any industry, users can label anything as blue-chip, such as a painting by a famous artist or […]

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Top 5 strongest NFT ecosystems. 1. Top 5: Polygon | by Bigcoin Medium NFT

Surpassing the Wax blockchain, Polygon has quickly become one of the most popular blockchains for NFTs thanks to its low fees, fast final transaction times, and wide range of NFTs supported. According to statistics from the Cryptoslam website, Polygon has reached 4,693,192 transactions, with a total transaction volume of 0.6776B. At the end of 2022 […]

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What is an NFT Marketplace? Top 3 NFT Marketplaces NFT players need to know | by Bigcoin Medium NFT

Since the beginning of 2022, the NFT market appears to be quieter compared to its peak in 2021. However, the development of NFT projects, particularly NFTFi, didn’t stop. NFT Marketplaces are continuously being launched and appearing on various blockchains such as BSC, Ethereum, Solana, Polygon, etc. For new traders, you might wonder what an NFT […]

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What is an NFT Marketplace? Top 3 NFT Marketplaces NFT players need to know | by Bigcoin Medium NFT | May, 2024

Since the beginning of 2022, the NFT market appears to be quieter compared to its peak in 2021. However, the development of NFT projects, particularly NFTFi, didn’t stop. NFT Marketplaces are continuously being launched and appearing on various blockchains such as BSC, Ethereum, Solana, Polygon, etc. For new traders, you might wonder what an NFT […]

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What is Tensor? Overview of the NFT Marketplace on Solana | by Bigcoin Medium NFT | May, 2024

NFT has become one of the most prominent trends in the cryptocurrency market in recent years. However, NFT trading is still relatively new and complex. With the desire of users to conduct NFT transactions conveniently and efficiently, Tensor — an NFT exchange platform on the Solana network has been created. Tensor is an NFTFi solution […]

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Guide to Utilizing BendDAO — Leading NFT Lending Platform | by Bigcoin Medium NFT | May, 2024

BendDAO emerges as a preeminent platform in the NFT-Fi sector, specializing in Lending & Borrowing services, currently asserting its dominance with the highest Total Value Locked (TVL) in its respective market segment. This platform offers an array of robust tools tailored to users aiming to optimize their holdings of ETH or prominent Blue-chip NFT assets […]

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Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), which have exploded in popularity in recent years, have transformed the world of digital assets. NFTs are distinctive digital assets that serve as evidence of ownership or authenticity for a certain item or piece of information. The intriguing field of NFT web development is explored in depth in this essay, along with […]

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HAPPYLANDY – hamidreza khosravani – Medium

hamidreza khosravani · Follow Jun 20 — Listen Share The happyLandy is a comedy drama based on the news of my place of residence, drawn and coded in my office and one day it will be put in a museum… In the land of happiness, we both benefit. These physical paintings are created in the […]

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NFTs Unique Ownership | by Coinbackyard | Medium

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have exploded in popularity recently and for good reasons. NFTs provide a revolutionary new way to represent ownership of digital assets. This unique and verifiable ownership is one of the most significant benefits of NFTs. In this article, we’ll explore what unique and verifiable ownership in NFTs means and why it’s so […]

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NFTS: WHY THEY MATTER | by Coinbackyard | Medium

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) have exploded in popularity in recent months, with high-profile sales making headlines around the world. But what are NFTs precisely, and why are they gaining so much traction? In simple terms, NFTs are unique digital assets that represent ownership of a particular piece of digital content. They are based on blockchain technology, […]

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Service Unavailable – Medium

Please try that again in a moment. find something interesting to read. check the site status. The web server is not returning a connection. As a result, the web page is not displaying. Ray ID: 7b7e901da3d50ad1 Your IP address: Error reference number: 521 Cloudflare Location: Las Vegas Source link

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– Ghulamsarwer – Medium

Open in app Sign up Sign in Write Sign up Sign in Ghulamsarwer · Follow Jan 7, 2023 — Share Nftcommunity Nftart Nftsold Nftsoldout Nftartist — — Follow Written by Ghulamsarwer 0 Followers I’m NFTs Maker Follow Help Status About Careers Press Blog Privacy Terms Text to speech Teams Source link

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– Ghulamsarwer – Medium

Open in app Sign up Sign in Write Sign up Sign in Ghulamsarwer · Follow Jan 7, 2023 — Share Nftcommunity Nftart Nftsold Nftsoldout Nftartist — — Follow Written by Ghulamsarwer 0 Followers ·1 Following I’m NFTs Maker Follow Help Status About Careers Press Blog Privacy Terms Text to speech Teams Source link

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NFT碎片化的意义(2) – lolili – Medium

民主化:一些 NFT 的高昂价格可能会阻止较小的投资者参与。将昂贵的 NFT 分拆可以降低拥有成本,并使更广泛的投资者更容易获得它。还需要注意的是,当 NFT 的价格上涨时,其所有部分的价值都会成比例地增加。如果它的价值意外下跌,这在加密市场中很常见,那么所有部分的价值也会下降。 价格发现:碎片化 NFT 可以提供价格发现机制,以确定特定 NFT 的价值。由于碎片化的ERC-20代币在公开市场上出售,它们的价格有助于为代币化资产的价格提供合理的估值。 更多流动性:NFT 的最大定义特征是它们是独一无二的代币,无法复制或分割。这种独特性限制了只有少数富有的投资者可以访问 NFT,尤其是有价值的 NFT。F-NFT 解决了这种缺乏流动性的问题,因为 ERC-20 代币可以在二级市场上轻松交易。许多投资者可能更愿意以较低的价格立即购买 NFT 的一部分,从而解决市场流动性问题,而不是等待数周或数月才能出售 NFT。 在 NFT 市场里,商品的价格发现和流动性一直是关键问题,这也是我们在理解碎片化好处时的一个关键切入点。因为被碎片化的 ERC20 代币每一次被交易,都会产生新的价格,从而更新该 NFT 的总价值(即为该交易价格的发行量倍数)。 50个不同的人拥有一个NFT,是否稀释了它的特别之处?当然,但有一个令人信服的论点是,许多人只关心他们在Twitter和Instagram上的个人照片,而不是他们挂在自己家里的艺术品。正如我们以前说过的,这个领域的诱惑力有一半来自情感和身份,这与拥有奢侈手表、豪车或任何其他实物资产没有本质区别。 没有人真正知道碎片化NFT未来的发展。即使是处于NFT领域最前沿的人也会承认,他们不能完全摸清楚这个领域的未来发展方向。 但有一件事是肯定的 — 该领域的创新每天都在继续,这是未来NFT市场的一个好兆头,也是加密行业令人兴奋的本质所在。 Source link

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CryptoBots🤖 – Ghostnfts – Medium

cryptobots is a collection of 474,862,500 NFTs created with 245 traits . Cryptobots pack : 10000 NFT (500$ / 0.05$ Per NFT) CryptoBots Pack v2 : 5000 NFT (300$ / 0.06$ Per NFT) What Do You Get With The NFT? Jpeg Files. Json Files. Where Can You Deploy Them? On Every Blockchain (ETH , BNB […]

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Entrepreneur – Entrepreneur – Medium

The 24-year-old American internet celebrity entrepreneur Josh Madrid is the world’s first person to test chatbot marketing using Instagram DM automation. JetSet is a 24 year old Internet celebrity and author, Josh King Madrid is the founder of NFT Magazine and is the world’s first Instagram chatbot marketer, In 2017 Josh King Madrid known as […]

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拆穿NFT騙局!這些NFT詐騙手法你知道嗎? | Medium

這個圈子因為還在前期,許多NFT詐騙手法不斷出現,時常傳出NFT被盜的消息,如果沒有很強的資安意識可能就會陷入NFT騙局當中,最多人知道的NFT詐騙就是Rug pull。完整文章資訊可以在0xCRYPTO找到。 Rug pull是指項目方捲款潛逃、資金盤倒塌,在NFT項目發售完後並沒有實質進展的團隊,很容易被持有這認為是Rug pull中的軟Rug,可以直接理解成拿了資金後擺爛、不做事。 OpenSea上有個新興的NFT騙局,會將某個NFT發到你那,再提出高價offer給你,最後再引導你至另一個NFT盜版網站,騙走你的資產。 新NFT詐騙手法 相關文章: Source link

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為什麼要將NFT碎片化?下個NFT市場玩法! | Medium

天價NFT怎麼買?NFT碎片化又是什麼?眾所周知,NFT代表的是對一種東西的所有權,而所謂的「NFT碎片化」就像是把所有權給平分了。對於NFT市場來說雖然解決了流動性不足的痛點,卻也衍生出其他問題。接下來會從NFT碎片化是什麼、項目方的視角和NFT流動性對市場的影響去理解這件事情。 NFT的潛質是所有人有目共睹的,以NFT市場的龍頭項目為例,BAYC NFT在短短一年內已經上升到100顆ETH以上,其餘的藍籌項目平均也有10顆ETH的底價支撐,在今年這個大熊市中,藍籌NFT所體現出來的抗跌能力是顯而易見的。但對於剛進場的新手小白來說,要進入一個藍籌NFT的門檻是非常高的,因為資金門檻就擺在那,所以「NFT碎片化」這項玩法就這樣誕生了。 「NFT碎片化」是將所有權平分的技術,所以又稱所有權碎片化。如果是先接觸傳統金融市場,再接觸到NFT市場的投資人,對NFT碎片化這件事一定不會太陌生,因為碎片化NFT的行為,對應到股票市場,就會類似於所謂的股票分割(Stock Split),將每份股票拆成多份,在總價值不變且流通量增加的情況下,拆分完的每份股票價格就會下降。 舉例來說,一份原本價值10$的股票,在經過一份股拆成兩份股的過程後,每份股票的價格變為5$。更淺顯易懂的理解,就是你把10$換成了兩個5$,數量增加,但價值不變。這樣做的好處是可以降低持有門檻並吸引更多的New money加入,流動性也會隨之增加。同理,放在NFT市場也會有相同的效果,這就是NFT碎片化最主要的意義。 NFT碎片化的3大優勢: 降低參與門檻。 增加市場流動性。 提高估值準確性。 (完整文章連結:天價NFT怎麼買?全面解析「NFT碎片化」的意義!) 「NFT碎片化」的3大優勢 Source link